5 Ways to Boost Your Mood

5 Ways to Boost Your Mood

In collaboration with Michaela Fox founder of Girls Thriving

Feeling tired? Overwhelmed? Unmotivated?

The days are now shorter and the skies a bit greyer, so it’s natural to be feeling a bit “meh”. Staying motivated can be a bit tricky but it’s important not to put it in the too hard basket.

This May we are going to help you leap into the winter months with some serious motivational mojo! The good news is there are little things you can do to keep your mind, body and soul thriving.

Here are six mood boosters to try out this month:

Flo Active Tribe Running

1. Vibe with your tribe

Connection counts… and it counts for a lot. Hanging with your friends has benefits far beyond fun (and we are ALL for fun). It is actually really good for your mental health. Face-to-face time can lower your anxiety, depression, boost your self-esteem and empathy. Plus (another fun fact!): Strong, healthy relationships can also help to strengthen your immune system.

Social media can be a terrific way to stay in touch with friends, but nothing beats face-to-face time. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and cheer you on. And remember that energy is contagious so surround yourself with beautiful souls and inspiring minds.

Your vibe attracts your tribe, so keep those vibes positive. And, in the wise words of Queen Bey, “If you live your life with kindness and giving other people great energy, that beauty and great energy comes back to you.”

Message your friends


Text your besties and make a date to get together for tribe time.


2. Move that body

Moving your body instantly lifts your mood and is a great way to achieve a healthy body and healthy mind. Exercise sparks the release of feel-good endorphins. So, when you’re in a mood, dance it out, flex those feel-good hormones, and leap, lunge and shimmy your way to a feeling good.

Your body is strong, powerful and beautiful. Focus on what your body can do, not how your body looks.

Dance it out to music


Join us and Dance for Sick Kids. Dance for Sick Kids is a 7-day virtual challenge where participants choose a time to dance for each day across that week and raise money for Ronald McDonald House along the way. 
Taking time out to read


3. Flex your mindful muscle

While movement is super important for health and wellbeing, it’s equally important to create space for solitude and reflection. We can’t just focus exclusively on our external selves.  Being still allows us the opportunity to mentally revamp. There are many ways to be still. For some people it might be meditation, or yoga, for others it might simply be connecting with nature. Just five minutes daily of consciously taking time out can have enormous benefits for our emotional health. 

If you’re finding it hard to calm your busy mind, try a reset and reboot. Go for a walk outside, read a book, do some colouring-in, or try a meditation or yoga-like stretching. Practicing meditation or mindfulness can reduce your stress levels, improve your sleep, and boost your energy levels.

Smiling Mind


Colour-in a little of this pic every day for a week or try using the Smiling Mind app once a day for a little 5 minute meditation. 



4. Head into nature

Mother nature really does know what’s good for us. If you have a particularly chatty inner self, being in nature can help to quieten some of that “noise” and give your mind time to breathe.

Try to bring a little nature into your everyday life. For example, growing plants or flowers, exercising outdoors or being around animals can have lots of positive effects. See if Mum has any seeds your can plant, take the dog for a walk, take your bike for a cycle alongside the river, or have fun making mud pies. Don’t be afraid to get a little dirty.

Out in nature


Explore a new park near you on your bike, board, sneakers or skates. 
Be kind to Mum


5. Throw kindness around like confetti 

Kindness is cool. So, do something for someone else and be the reason someone smiles. Help a friend who might be down, bake something delicious to give away, volunteer to help out a cause your love. Kindness is not only cool, but it also enhances meaningfulness, distracts from your own problems, and boosts your self-esteem.

This month find new ways to be kinder, more giving, more thankful and more positive. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself – try replacing that harsh inner voice with an inner cheerleader that spurs you on.

Share the love with Mum


Be kind to Mum surprise her with a cup of tea or breakfast and try to be nicer to your sisters &/or brothers.


Free downloads to keep you inspired

Free Motivational May Download CalenderFlo Active Colouring In Sheet

About the author

Michaela Fox Girls Thriving

Michaela Fox is a parenting writer, speaker and digital marketer based in Melbourne. Michaela is the mother of four daughters and Founder of Girls Thriving - an online community dedicated to providing support, tools and tips to empower young girls and support their parents. Through online programs and connection events, Girls Thriving helps girls navigate the often turbulent tween and teen years to become confident, calm and connected adults. Her great passion is helping girls navigate friendships, social media and resilience, and strengthen the bond between mother and daughter.

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